for Music
links for Musicians and Music Lovers |
Being a compendium of links to sites and pages in the World Wide Web that
are likely to be of interest or of use to musicians and/or music lovers,
with a particular emphasis on filk, my favorite genre.
(New links added frequently. Additional pointers welcome.)
This is an Award-winning site. The icons and
descriptions were moved to awards.html to make
this page load faster.
This is an ongoing compilation of pointers to things that might be interesting
to musicians and music lovers whose taste happens to overlap with mine. It is
not a complete list of everything musical under the virtual sun,
which is why it starts out with...
Filk (sometimes called ``New Folk'' by those attempting to reach a broader
audience) is the folk music of the future; i.e. music by, for, and of interest
to fans of science fiction and fantasy. I've written some. For example,
here's a posting of me ``singing'' Someplace in the
Net in the newsgroup alt.callahans, as
recorded by David Mar
in his collection of classic
posts. (If I ever get access to a machine with audio capability, I'll add
a clip.)
For another example, here is
The World Inside the Crystal, which won the 1997 Pegasus Award for Best
Science Song.
Advice for Kids:
- Some filksongs may be a bit ``grown-up'' for young kids. In some cases
this will be because of ``adult'' language, in other cases just because
some filksongs are about complicated things you may not have learned
about yet. On the other hand, I've been singing filk and folk songs to
my kids since they were born, and it doesn't seem to have hurt them
any. (Though they're both a little weird around the edges!)
See also:
- Arts: Music: Styles:
Filk in the Mozilla Open Directory Project
- Probably the most comprehensive collection of filk links at the moment.
Filk at Yahoo! - Entertainment:Music:Genres:Novelty:Filk
- The newsgroup
- and its archives, as described in the following extract from the
``rules'' posted on the FIDOnet side of the gateway by its proprietor
and ``topic cop'',
Kay Shapero:
``I collect the songs from this echo into downloadable files, entitled
FFILE{number of file}.ZIP. There are currently 25 of them. If you do
not want yours included, please say so when you post it! These files
can be downloaded or file requested from StormGate Aerie (1:102/524).
From Usenet, try Some other filks are
available for anonymous ftp from and, /public/sca area.''
- is still around, barely; it is now reserved for things considered
inappropriate for
- Filk Frequently
Asked Questions
- posted on by
Kay Shapero and converted
to HTML by Kirsten Berry
- ITP-NYU Filk
- Los Angeles Filkers
- ``a group of Los Angeles, California area filkers that gets together
once a month at a member's home to perform and listen to filk music''
- Any of several science fiction
conventions (mirrored here).
- I tend to frequent
- Baycon (San Francisco Bay Area regional con; Memorial Day weekend)
- Westercon (West Coast regional con, July 4th weekend)
- Consonance (Bay Area Filk con, first weekend in March)
- Conchord (LA Filk con, early October)
- Worldcon (around Labor Day weekend). This year it's in LA:
see L.A.con III, the 1996
Worldcon - Home Page
Other filk conventions include:
Sources of filk music
The definitive list of filk sources is posted
periodically on
Filk Dealers and Publishers on the Web
- Prometheus Music
- Including the
Filksing if you have RealAudio support.
- Random Factors
Filk Collections
- The Miscellany collected by Joe Bethancourt.
- (Includes both frames and no-frames version -- thanks, Joe!). Includes
definitive lyrics for The Birthday Song and The Real Old-Time Religion.
Filkbooks from SWIL - Swarthmore
Warders of Imaginative Literature
FilkZines and Filk Organizations
- The Filk
GaFia/GaFilk and
GaFia/GaFilk (unofficial?)
- Georgia Filkers Annonymous
- Interfilk
- M.A.S.S. F.I.L.C.
- Xenofilkia
- Heather Alexander
- ``... is a Singer/Songwriter and Celtic fiddler based in
the San Francisco Bay Area. Her Solo Album, "Wanderlust" has garnered
praise from the likes of Dirty Linen, Folk Roots, Rock and Reel, as
well as radio stations and fans around the world. Her live
performances are "...not to be missed".''
Dave Aronson
- Avalon Rising
- describes their music as ``Celtic-Medieval-rock fusion''.
- Robin Baylor
- Joe Bethancourt/White Tree
- Blars' Filk Page by
Bob Larson
- Filk
pointers and collections
- from Outside
the Asylum (Melissa Binde's home page).
- Meg Davis
- Nancy Louise Freeman
- Lynn Gold's
Filking page
- has an excellent collection of links. A much more
comprehensive listing of conventions and filkers than I've had time to
- Eli Goldberg
- Jeff Hitchin
- Bob Kanefsky
- One of the world's best parodists.
- Keshlam (Joe
Kesselman) (also
backup and
- Graham Leathers
- Mark Mandel
- Some songs definitely not for children.
- Michael P. Kube-McDowell
- has ``Surveillance Photography'' from SF Fandom, 1982-present which
includes pictures of filkers, among others.
- Kathy Mar
- Margaret Middletion
- The
Music Room The
Music Room in Anca's
- With a pointer to a collection of
filk lyrics, and created by
- Ookla the Mok
- Karen
- Kay Shapiro
- H. Paul Shuch (Dr. SETI)
- is a prolific songwriter, among other things. You'll find the filk
(and much else) under "Poetry".
- Tom Smith
- Urban Tapestry
- a filk group in Toronto.
- Julia West's filk and home page
- Filk Music
by Andy and Beth Wheeler
- Windbourne
Folk Music Home Page
- There seem to be several home pages for folk music; this is one.
Dirty Linen Folk Concert Listings
Dirty Linen Folk Concert Listings
- the Digital
Tradition Folk Song Database
- Dirty Linen
- the San Diego Folksong
- the Tam Lin web page
- ``a great resource for those who like that ballad.''
Folksingers & Singer-Songwriters
- Hoyt Axton
- Eric Bogle
- All-Music GuideAll-Music Guide
- self-described as the largest organized collection of
music albums, ratings, and reviews open to public comment. Most of
the items in the menu are listed as "not yet loaded".
- The Group List
- Links to and descriptions of all the
- the Bagpipe FAQ
- The Canadian Music Exchange
- Which maintains a Music
Industry Contacts List (currently rather skimpy, but it appears
that you can add your own entries).
- the Computer Music
Center at IBM Research
- Music
Resources on the Internet
- is a good place to find stuff.
- Has ambitions of becoming a major search and link site for music.
Links for artists, groups, genres, etc. Still under construction in
May 1996.
Index to Multimedia Information Sources
- includes music-related software
- Noteworthy Music
- and their catalog of CD's
- The Piano Education
- `` bringing together information of interest to teachers, students,
parents of students, and fans of the piano.''
- Barbershop Quartet Gopher
Pink Floyd
- music links
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Music
- This is where you get from CERN's subject index.
- <a href">Stanford Savoyards
Dat-heads archive
Dat-heads archive
- from the Dat-heads (Digital Audio Tape) mailing list. The faq is
available on ftp from and
The microphone faq is available via FTP from here and hereand
via e-mail from
- Jeff Maggard's
Digital Audio Tape Home Page
- includes the various FAQ's, including the microphone faq, the
Dat-Heads FAQ
and the Reliability
Survey. A survey of digital audio interface cards for PC's is
available at
- Main Menu
- Also accessible from Gopher as
Adam Curry's MTV Gopher [].
Music news, concert schedules, and music online. Links to various
places, including home pages for several bands I don't listen to.
- Billboard Top Ten Lists
- Concert
- ``While it is impossible to keep track of everything on the Web, the
intention is to keep this a relatively complete set of the music
resources available. Please email with anything that
should be added or changed.''
Grateful Dead
Indiana University Music Library
- and
music resource list
- Music & Lyrics Databases
- N-Fusion Records
On-Line Music Database
- A searchable database, by;
also includes a pointer to a list of many
Other WWW Music Resources
The Internet Underground Music Archive
- Contains actual music in MPEG audio format, plus pointers to software
for playing same. Also accessible via Gopher at
Internet Underground Music Archive
- Music World III
- wants to be the Music Industry Web Site. They offer
free Web presence for bands, and will even sell your albums.
- ZIPI, Zeta's new digital music interface:
- from MIT
or ccrma
(Under Construction.)
- The abc home page
- abc is an ascii-based musical notation that's
human-readable. Conversion programs exist for MIDI, mtex, etc.
- is on the Web, and is now new and improved. They have a database
called ACE (ASCAP
Clearance Express), and licensing
forms for anyone who wants to perform ASCAP music online.
- Maintains a Repertoire Database.
Also improved since the last time I visited. They have clearance and
copyright forms online, to be printed using Acrobat.
- U.S. Copyright Office Home
- Taxi
- ``The Independent A&R Vehicle that connects unsigned artists, bands
and songwriters with major record labels, publishers, and film & TV music
supervisors.'' (For a price, but not a percentage.) They also have
a good link page.
- Typesetting:
- For typesetting music, try MusicTeX;
More info
here including how to get the other one (MuTeX) here (or maybe here as
- Common
- ``an object-oriented music composition environment'' in Common Lisp.
(Under Construction.)
- Acoustic Guitar
Home Page
- Cassette House
- ``We have been in business since 1981 selling blank audio cassettes,
DAT tape, instructional books, videos and various music supplies. We
have recently expanded into computer supplies, digital multi track tape
and CDR's.''
- Digital
Guitar Home Page
- The Linux MIDI + Sound
(Under Construction.)
Many of the following came from Joe
Bethancourt's page:
- Digital Audio Labs
- ``makes sound recording and editing hardware and software for IBM
compatible computer''
- Music in
- Ocarinas
Copyright 1997 by Stephen Savitzky. All rights reserved.
This document may be freely linked to, though I would appreciate a brief note
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Copies or excerpts of this document may be made and distributed in any
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- This notice, the date last modified, the author's name, and the
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- Any changes to wording are clearly identified with author and date.
- I am notified of any such copying other than for the personal use of
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If you wish to make an electronic copy, please make a link instead.
Here's why linking is better than copying.
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Copyright 1998 Stephen Savitzky.
All Rights Reserved.
$Id: index.xh,v 1.17 2002/05/27 15:38:08 steve Exp $
Stephen R. Savitzky <>
343 Leigh Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128