for Kids  


Being a compendium of links to sites and pages in the World Wide Web that are likely to be of interest to kids. This is an Award-winning site.
This page has been neglected in recent years decades, and needs to be thoroughly renovated.
(New links added frequently. Additional pointers welcome.)

This is an Award-winning site. The icons and descriptions were moved to ../awards.html to make this page load faster.

This is an ongoing compilation of pointers to things that might be of interest to kids with access to the Web. I don't have time to go back and re-check everything as often as I should, so a few of the links may have gotten rusty. Please let me know if anything doesn't work.


Please be patient. Every link in the ``Contents'' list above points to someplace further down in this page. If they don't work, hit reload on your browser and try again.


Note for parents:
This list is primarily for the benefit of my 12-year-old daughter Katy. Some of the contents may not be suitable for all audiences. Parental discretion is advised. For educational resources, see Interesting Places for Parents
Notes, Advice and Warnings for Kids
Sometimes somebody on the Net may ask you for information your parents may not want you to give out. When in doubt, ask. Also look at the Notes, Advice and Warnings page for some suggestions, or click on a Advice: or Warning: icon whenever you see one. Always remember, if thinking about doing something makes you feel uncomfortable, it's probably wrong.

You may also see things on the net that are upsetting, confusing, or just plain stupid. The ``back'' button is your friend--nobody is making you look, and nobody will complain if you change the channel.

Additional safety information:

Finding your Way Around the Web

Quick Reference


If you're looking for information in a specific category, check out one of these directories.
My favorite place to start. Organized as an outline.
Yahoo for kids!
The Home Page for the Entire Web!
A directory of search engines.
Specs for Kids
lots of graphics on the front page; kid-safe. Only lists sites they've reviewed.

Search Engines

If you want to look for anything on the Web that contains a specific word or name, you need a search engine.
Extensive and blindingly fast. Hang on to your keyboard!
{EINet Galaxy}
Supposed to be ``kid-safe''. They have ratings and detailed descriptions, but aren't always up-to-date. On the other hand, they did give Interesting Places for Kids a 4-star rating.
{Planet Earth}
a ``virtual library''. Browse around in the card catalog.
You can search through all of Yahoo's links.
A directory of search engines.

Art and literature

Note that kids' definitions of ``art'' and ``literature'' may be somewhat broader than their parents'.
go here
for a list of sites that have pictures and stories by kids!

The WebMuseum network
``a variety of image collections and small presentations, all of which deal in some way with Art History-- from the Australian National University.
BIG BUS e-zine
``is for students with a "world view". It allows these students to disscuss there thoughts,feelings, and opinions. BIG BUS is created, designed,supported, and writen totally by students''
Many fascinating links on books, bookmaking, libraries, and the like.
Selections from Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses.
Project Guttenberg has the whole book in plain text form.
Dr. Fun (used to be here) but is now at United Media
A ``Far Side''-like cartoon series. May not be suitable for all children, e.g. those whose parents have a low tolerance for strange or mildly offensive material. Katy loves it.
The Fridge Gallery at IBM's Electric Origami Shop
features pictures by kids. The maintainers say ``It's unlikely that anything done by anyone over age 12 will be hip enough for this gallery.''
The Latest Webdog Cartoon
Courtesy of The Performing Graphics Company. Doesn't seem to change very often.
The Adventures of Cyber Cat
gives you a new random image each time you access it.
GNN Arcade
Pointers to comix, literature, pictures, and other fun stuff.
FineArt Forum List of Art Related Web Resources
Said to be a wonderfully comprehensive listing
Midlink Magazine
``the electronic magazine for kids in the middle grades--generally ages 10 to 15''
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Literature and Art
Pointers to several interesting places, including the following collections of online books:
Books On-line
Including links to listings by Author and Title, as well as pointers to many other repositories. It almost isn't necessary to list anything else.
Resources for Young Writers at Inkspot
will interest older kids who are interested in writing. Inkspot has resources for people who write for kids.
Shakespeare at MIT
The complete works, in HTML form, with obscure words linked to a glossary. Hamlet is one of Katy's favorite videos. I think my favorite Shakespeare play is The Tempest. What's yours?
Shrinking from Click Media Inc.
A science fiction tale with an ecological message, for ages 10 and up. It uses frames a lot, but the graphics are good and you don't have to download them if you don't want to.
Stone Soup, the magazine of writing and art by young people
``Written and illustrated by young people ages 8 to 13''
Winnie the Pooh - An Expotition by Katie Prunka
``originally designed as a book report for my seventh grade English class,'' this site includes a clickable map with 20 locations.
Writing HTML
an online tutorial. I got this link from Katie Prunka, the 12-year-old author of Winnie the Pooh - An Expotition, so even though it's aimed at teachers there's nothing to keep kids from using it.


Interesting Places for Musicians and Music Lovers
is my own set of music links, specializing in filk, the folk music of science fiction and fantasy. Advice: Some of the songs you can get to from here may not be suitable for ``all audiences''.
The Piano Education Page
has a section ``Just for Kids''. If you're taking piano lessons, check it out!

Museums and other exhibits

Many of these can be found from the Best of the Web awards; some are reachable from The Subway.
The Computer Museum
The Exploratorium
A hands-on science museum in San Francisco
Hands On Children's Museum of OlympiaOlympia, Washington
``... the fun place to be for kids 10 years old and under.''
OMSI--the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
The Smithsonian Institution
in Washington, DC.
The WebMuseum network
(formerly The Louvre and a tour of Paris, by Nicolas Pioch -- it got out of hand.)
EXPO Ticket Office
The starting point for a "virtual exposition" that includes exhibits from several different museums, libraries, and the like.
Honolulu Community College Dinosaur Exhibit
The Electronic Prehistoric Shark Museum
Including links to other paleontological sites and Shark Sightings on the Net
Pearl Street Online Gallery
African Art
Singapore's Digital Media Centre
Online Museum Exhibitions
Early instruments of the Institute of Physics of Naples
An exhibit of early scientific instruments. The descriptions may be dull for younger kids, but the pictures are cool. The home page above it also points to some pictures of Naples.
Geometry Applications Gallery
U. Minnesota Geometry Center

Other places to go and things to see

Outer Space

Amazing Space
The Space Place
The Space Shuttle
Space Shuttle Missions
If there's a shuttle mission in progress, you can get up-to-the-second status reports.
See Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit the planet Jupiter [here] [here] and [here]
In a solar system near you from July 16 to 22.
The Hubble Space Telescope
Views Of The Solar System
Chesley Bonestell Gallery
The works of a famous painter of astronomical scenes.
Image Sciences Division of NASA's Johnson Space Center
press release and Earth observation images from the manned space program from Mercury to the present.
U.S. Space & Rocket Center and US Space Camp's Cool Places
Cool Places has links to a lot of good space-related sites.
The StarChild Project: Connecting NASA and the K12 Classroom
and WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace

The World

A pen-pal link between kids in Aspen, Colorado and Malawi, Central Africa.
The Alaska Page
Maintained by the Teel Family at
The Journey North
U. Michigan School of Education
Gateway to Antarctica
From the International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research (ICAIR) in New Zealand
A Tourist Expedition to Antarctica
L. Liming, U. Michigan
Fun Aussie activities for kids
at Wangaratta Primary School in Australia
Flags of the World, World Flags
there are lots of flag collections; try a search.
Geographic Information Systems
U.S. Geological Survey
Worldwide WWW Information
Organized as a clickable world map.
The JASON Project
``Bringing the thrill of exploration and discovery live to students around the world as they participate in an amazing electronic field trip''
Lansing, Michigan has a Kids' Stuff page.
...With things for kids in the Lansing area and links around the world.
The Children Page in Padova, Italy
Has a collection of postcards kids have sent them. (You can also get to the Italian-language version from their GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE! page.)
a tour of Paris
Another tour of Paris
The San Francisco Zoo
Singapore's Digital Media Centre
The Subway
pictures of Naples
TIGER Mapping Service
Downloadable maps and statistics from the United States Census Bureau.
Travels with Samantha
A full-length travel book, by Philip Greenspun, who traveled across North America to help himself get over the death of his dog, George. (Samantha is his computer.)
Advice: May not be suitable for young kids.
Kids on Campus 1994 from the Cornell Theory Center
A purely-visual home page that looks like a collection of signs.
Underwater World at Time-Warner's Pathfinder
``the first virtual world you can travel in, build in, and visually link to other parts of the World Wide Web.''--Essentially a Web-based MUD.

The World-Wide Web

A Day in Cyberspace
A fabulous interactive happening put on by MIT's Media Lab in celebration of its 10th birthday.
Berit's Best Sites for Children
Pointers to dozens of sites for kids and teens, specializing in local resources.
Convomania from Apple Computer
``a website designed for kids who are seriously sick or disabled. Convomania empowers kids with the opportunity to use the Internet to share their feelings and ideas in a cyber-community setting.''
Cyberspace Middle School
``designed for students in the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades who are using the World Wide Web to help get an education.''
Educational Launch Pad
A pretty extensive collection of links.
The Electric Origami Shop at IBM
Steve and Ruth Bennett's Family Surfboard
Kids' section in the Galaxy
Girl Games and their monthly newsletter, Girls InterWire
``an interactive software company designing both entertainment and educational CD-ROM's for girls 7-17.'' (At the moment it's pretty Netscape-specific.)
A Girls World!
``Where it's cool to be a girl.'' An ``on-line interactive magazine created especially for girls 7-14.'' Includes a ``What's Hot!'' page and a Clubhouse.

Their ``Gold Key'' club (including password-protected chat rooms and an online magazine) now costs money to join, and they ask for a lot of information (which they say they'll keep secret) both in order to verify that you're really a girl, and to send the bill to your parents. Advice:Ask your parents for help.

Internet for Kids, Inc.
Good links, a choose-your-own-adventure story, a fantasy role-playing game, ... ($$$They're also selling a book and classified ads.)
Kids' Links and MegaLinks from Kathleen B's Home Page
Nice set of links from a grandmother and 6th-grade teacher.
K.E.W.L. Kids Excellent Web Links
``contains a bunch of safe links, as well as some mind puzzles and downloadable sound .wavs''. Also a lot of .gif animation Beautiful, but big.
Kid Stuff at Time-Warner's Pathfinder
Kids' Web
Lots of links with attractive graphics (but not so many that it takes forever to download), including selections from A Child's Garden of Verses.
Kids Web
``A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids''
Good links with 1-paragraph descriptions.
the Latitude28 Schoolhouse
Educational materials for K-12, including an online children's book, Grin's Message
Christmas in Cyberspace
Children's Pages at WombatNet
(appears to be defunct)
Kids and Parents on the Web at Resolution Business Press
KidsCom at SpectraCom
``KidsCom, a communication playground for children ages 8-12 is up and running. Kids can find key pals, get help with Internet questions from an Internet guru, talk about what they'd like to be when they grow up, explore links to other children's sites, enter sweepstakes to win prizes, and give feedback on what they'd like to see and do on the Internet.''
Advice: Before you can play, they want you to tell them your e-mail address and pick a password. If you already have a password at home or at school, pick a different one! Remember, your password is a secret, and any time you tell something to more than one other person (or computer), it's not a secret anymore.
Advice: They also want your real name and city. They don't ask for your street address anymore, so you don't have to worry about them sending you junk mail.
Marionville from the Marion Foundation
An online community for teens, parents, and teachers. Heavily Netscape-dependent; requires a fast link.
Mr. Bill's World
has a lot of stuff for kids, and lots of flashy graphics including GIF animations, JavaScript, and the like. How fast is your modem?
Not Just for Kids! at Internet@Night Talk Radio
Lots of animal and craft links, among others.
Oasis Kids' Corner
Games, an interactive story, and more. Heavy on pictures, light on explanations. Presented by an online bookstore.
The Prince and I at the National Film Board of Canada
An interactive story, aimed at teaching kids to read. Ages 5+. Heavy on frames and graphics.
Robin's FYI, featuring Kid's Stuff, animals, and more.
``FYI'' means ``For Your Information'', and there's a lot of it in this very informative and well-organized site.
ROUTE 6-16
``Kid-safe'' links, with categories for play, schoolwork, and parents. Lots of Netscape animation.
SPECTRUM - The Family Internet Magazine
Articles, fiction, games, etc. With age guidelines.
SpiderWeb: All Doors Are Open!
Puzzles, pen-pals, cats, contests, and more. Very cool-looking.
Splash Kids Online Magazine
$$$Commercial; they have ads. A few good articles. Separate pages for HTML-3 browsers like Netscape, and others.
Advice: They also want you to ``sign up and win'' -- they don't say win what -- and ask for your name and city. They also ask for your street address but say it's optional.
Student's Page
at this History/Social Studies Web Site, which although it's mainly for teachers, also has a lot of links to museums and the like.
Sylvan Kids PlayPlace
Many good links, but each has a picture (for those too young to read) so they may take a while to download.
Uncle Bob's Kids' Page
Set up rather like this one, but even bigger and with more graphics.
The Ultimate Children's Internet Sites at Vividus.
Yet another list of links. also includes some links for parents.
World Wide Web For Kidz
Has a Homework Helper page of links to reference material. Just the thing for those tough reports. Also activities, tips, etc. Changes weekly. $$$ They're selling a book.

Science and Math

(Also see Museums for science museums and exhibits, and Outer Space for ``out of this world'' science.)

The Water Cycle, Cloud Formation, and Rainbows Explained
Sent by one of my readers, 2022-08-25
How-To Keep Protected Outdoors in Inclement Weather | AAA State of Play
Sent by one of my readers, 2016-09-30. Thanks!
Archimedes and the Crown, by Doug Craigen
``a preview of one of the Eureka Stories currently under development for children's reading.''
Ask Dr. Math
``Dr. Math answers questions from K-12 students and their teachers about Mathematics. Questions can be about homework, puzzles, math contests, math education or anything else related to Mathematics.''
The Bug Club and The Insects Home Page
Online version of a magazine published by the National Science Teachers Association. Activities, games, back issues...
The Geometry Forum
an electronic forum for lovers of geometry
Nye Labs, online home of Bill Nye the Science Guy
Physics Humor Links by Doug Craigen
Don't worry if you haven't had college physics yet; many of them are funny anyway. In a more serious vein, if you're actually trying to learn physics, you'll probably find these links helpful.
Scientific American
Super Science Home Page
``is designed to encourage kids, teachers, and parents to do scientific experiments.''
The Teacher's Desk by Judi Hardison
Mostly interesting links, rather than dull teaching stuff, so check it out.
The Weather Dude
Worm World
``Hey Kids! Worm your way over to the Yuckiest Site on the Internet!''

Arts and Crafts

Aunt Annie's Craft Page
``The emphasis of this page is on learning, creativity, and problem-solving. Each project includes a variety of designs to choose from, patterns to print, and easy to follow instructions. There are links to related pages, suggested books for further reading, tips for completing projects successfully, and software to download.''

A new project every week. The software in question is a shareware crafts program.

Crayons and Computers
Another site with a project-of-the-week.

Toys and Games

Interactive Games on the Web

Stuff you can play right now!
You used to be able to play Hangman
(the word-guessing game) interactively, but that link doesn't work anymore. Anyone have one that does??
Zarf's List of Interactive Games on the Web (used to be here)
Even more interactive games.
Headbone Interactive
sells computer games for kids. The site has some online games, books, and other activities, though of course they're also trying to sell you stuff.
Interactive Web Games at Yahoo
A very large list, but I haven't checked out many of them.

Information about Toys and Games

$$$ Many of these sites are run by companies that are trying to sell you things.
Magic: The Gathering and also Magic
(also known as ``Magic, The Incurable Addiction'')
Juggling Information Service
Entertainment:Toys at Yahoo
The Official LEGO World Wide Web Site
(Their lawyers have closed down the unofficial site that I used to point to..)
Seader Sailboats
...really want to $$ell you model sailboats, but you can learn quite a lot about sailboats from their online magazine, The Fairlead

Media: Movies, TV Shows, etc.

Many of these sites are unofficial. Such sites can go away at any time, especially if someone with an official connection to the show in question becomes annoyed at them.
The Animaniacs Page
The official Barney site
The (un-official) Barney Page appears to have gone away. If yuou find out where it's gone, please let me know.
Advice: Includes ``Barney-bashing'' that may not suitable for young kids who are still Barney fans. Those old enough to be singing different words to the ``I love you'' song will enjoy it.
Cinema Sites
An excellent list of many movie-related Web sites. Advice: Not all the sites and movies listed here are for children.
The Movie Mom's Guide to Movies and Videos for Families and List of the Best Movies for Families
Movie reviews, updated weekly. (It's written for parents, but don't let that put you off.)
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Reboot and The Unofficial ReBoot Home Page
``"ReBoot" is a half-hour of computer animation that is being shown on ABC Saturday mornings at 9:30am (8:30am in San Francisco.) It has great computer generated characters and backgrounds, and has good stories sprinkled with puns based on the computer industry.''
The Unofficial Star Wars Home Page
Mos Eisley Spaceport
(another Star Wars page) accessible from here, which also points to some other media places, including
Theodore Tugboat's Online Activity Centre
``It is based on a Canadian children's tv show and features an illustrated interactive story, colouring pages to download, and Berit's Best Sites for Children.''

Radio and TV Stations

These will mostly be public broadcasting stations.
KTCA's The Tube has pages For and About Kids and a list of Cool Web Sites
(Twin Cities Public Television in Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Web pages set up by (or for) kids

Elementary School Kids and their Families

(Also check out Yahoo's Family section)
BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
``My name is B.J. and I am 9 years old. I use the Internet to help me with my homework. My dad and I have found more than 205 terrific sites on the internet...''
Courtney Elizabeth Carter's 11th-Birthday Page
David's Grab Bag Page
Lisa's Home Page
Age 6 (1997) with help from her Dad. Lisa has cerebral palsy, and her page has lots of good links for kids with special needs.
The Falzett Family Home Page
Jaime Ferguson
(Heavily Netscaped.)
Kate Amelia Edmondson-Noble
(I couldn't resist adding a Kate!)
Catclimber's Home Page
``My name is Magda. I'm 9 years old I have a homepage which is really cool and has alot of links and and a cool treasure hunt.''
The Petry Family Home Page
The Slaughter Family Home Page
The Teel Family at

Middle-School Kids

My 11-year-old daughter Katy
Also, Katy's report on her visit to CRC on ``Take Our Daughters to Work Day''; April 28, 1994. (she was 8 at the time.)

Heather Rader
is the Webmaster at Alice Ott Middle School, and did this page all by herself.

Pages by parents for younger kids

My 6-year-old daughter Emmy.
Andrew Grossman
Six going on seven, made this web page with the assistance of his dad.
Cade and Morgan's Home Page
by Mike Coleman
The Princess Ashley Homepage

Web pages set up by (or for) K-12 Classes

Elementary Schools and Classes

Arbor Heights Elementary School
in Seattle, Washington.
Buckman School (OR)
Grand River Elementary
A WWW ``Yearbook'' for Brad Marshall's 5th Grade Class in Lansing Michigan, assisted by Gary J LaPointe (
Electric Lincoln Elementary
by the 6th Grade Class at Lincoln Elementary School in Iowa City, IA
McKinley Academy of Technology
Hillside Elementary
by a classroom of sixth grade students at Hillside Elementary School in Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Points to a good-sized list of other schools with Web pages.
L'Ouverture Computer Technology Magnet in Wichita, Kansas
Wangaratta Primary School in Australia

Older Kids

Eastchester Middle School
Northside Middle School
in Roanoke, Virginia
Press Return
``Scholastic Network's online multimedia publication for middle and high school students.''
Monta Vista High School
located in Cupertino, California. ``We have been involved in using and finding new ways in which the Internet can be applied towards K-12 education since 1992.''

School Districts

(This is, of course, a very incomplete list; it consists only of those school districts from which someone has sent me e-mail, and even then it's not complete.)
Pasco County, Florida
Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Schools


HotList of K-12 Internet School Sites
Web K-12+ Education at the University of Texas at Austin
K-12 Schools on the Internet
Hillside Elementary's list of K-12 schools on the Web
Kids on the Web at The Ultimate Children's Internet Sites

Collections of stuff by kids

These are collections of art, writing, and so on by kids, not just for kids to look at.
BIG BUS e-zine
``is for students with a "world view". It allows these students to disscuss there thoughts,feelings, and opinions. BIG BUS is created, designed,supported, and writen totally by students''
The Children Page in Padova, Italy
Has a collection of postcards kids have sent them. (You can also get to the Italian-language version from their GIVE CHILDREN A CHANCE! page.)
Fridge Artz
pictures and writing by kids.
The Fridge Gallery at IBM's Electric Origami Shop
features pictures by kids. The maintainers say ``It's unlikely that anything done by anyone over age 12 will be hip enough for this gallery.''
Gallery of children's artwork at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

Copyright 1995-1998 Stephen Savitzky. All rights reserved.

(Text enclosed in quotation marks (``...'') in descriptions of pages linked to from this document is taken from the page in question or from an announcement by its author. Copyright in such text is owned by its author.)
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Last modified: Sun May 7 10:12:47 2000
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Copyright © 2000, Stephen R. Savitzky.
$Id: kids.xh,v 1.14 2000/11/19 17:51:04 steve Exp $
Stephen R. Savitzky <>
343 Leigh Ave. / San Jose, CA 95128